Saturday, July 16, 2005

Camp Week 6: Sickness coming on...

This week began alright, with no real problems. But things got bad afterwards.

During my Monday night sleep duty, I got almost no sleep. By morning, I was exhausted and I had a stuffy nose and a sore throat. Aaron was good enough to let me sleep through breakfast, though. For the rest of the week, I forced myself to drink tea, to hopefully feel better. By Wednesday, except for my throat, I did feel better.

Despite my illness, I pulled through activities. I even went swimming, saying "If I get really sick, I can go home."

Wednesday, was not a good day for me. I got into trouble for supposedly spying on the women tanning behind the women's unit. I did go back there once, to see if they were actually doing so. They were doing so. And I talked about going back there again, but never went through with it. So, after the lecture, I promiced that I would neither talk about it, nor do it, and I was let go. Later on, two separate campers hit me, one about being taken away early to be changed, and the other about taking his mouthwash, and one of them destroyed my CD, that I had gotten weeks ago. I was not happy about that.

So, a tough week. Maybe next week will be better...


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