Saturday, July 30, 2005

Camp Week 8: The frustration flew...

This week was so frustrating...

I showed up late, becasue I was indeed sick last Saturday, with a temperature of 102.
I didn't show up untill the Afternoon.

Anyhow, my campers gave me few problems, but two others really gave me a hard time. One yelled at me endlessly, and the other screamed in my ear, loud.

Patence wore thin fast.

I got to go on a third field trip Tuesday. I went to Living Treasurs Animal Park again, with Christen and Nicole. It worked out the same way as the one before, with
us looking at, and feeding the animals, and later having lunch at McConnell's Mill State park. This time, at the Animal park, we saw a Z-Donc. A cross between a Zebra and a Donkey.


Then, we had a power outage on Tuesday night. It was storming pretty hard. Some of the campers got scared. But they were allright.

We had our ACA inspections this week. So, we spent a lot of time cleaning the place up for it. We passed with 100% too.


So, one more week to go...

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Camp Week 7: Flying clothing, Colliding heads, and bodies falling into water.

Another scorcher of a week. We had a LOT of extra swims this week.

The week started out allright, except for two of my campers fighting, and throwing each other's clothing around. Making hell for me to find them again.

Like I said, because of the heat we swam a lot. But, for whatever reason, I seemed to be colliding my head with other things. The first time, I collided with the wall. Later, I collided with Celeste's head. She and Phil were doing I don't want to know at the time it happened. We both had mild headaches, but both of us were fine. While I'm on the topic of Celeste, I'll mention how we sad puppy-faced Deb into letting us lick the bowl of chocolate cake mix, at a cooking session. We had to wash the dishes though.

Thursday night, we had another swim, because it was too hot for a campfire. but, I opened my big mouth saying "Not another swim" and was told I couldn't swim with anybody else.

Nice Going Rob! Take a bow, genius!

By Friday, I was mad about my fighting campers, and a lot of other stuff, and I almost didn't go to a party at Angie LoVerde's one place in Ohio.

When I got home, I said that I was too depressed to go, and would stay home. So I did some chores, cried a little bit, and then I felt better. So, I decided to go after all.

This was a lakeside party at Lake Tomahawk, Ohio. I remember I started to do the Cannonball scene from the movie "Anchorman" but Mitch pushed me in before I could finish. There was a lot of that going on, as the party progressed.

Finally, I went home. Fred Eck, stayed over at my house. I drove into Dormont to take him home today. Then I drove to East Rochester to get a new Driver's Liscense.

Now, I'm at home, and I'm exhausted; in fact, I don't think I'm feeling too well right now.

Two more weeks to go...

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Camp Week 6: Sickness coming on...

This week began alright, with no real problems. But things got bad afterwards.

During my Monday night sleep duty, I got almost no sleep. By morning, I was exhausted and I had a stuffy nose and a sore throat. Aaron was good enough to let me sleep through breakfast, though. For the rest of the week, I forced myself to drink tea, to hopefully feel better. By Wednesday, except for my throat, I did feel better.

Despite my illness, I pulled through activities. I even went swimming, saying "If I get really sick, I can go home."

Wednesday, was not a good day for me. I got into trouble for supposedly spying on the women tanning behind the women's unit. I did go back there once, to see if they were actually doing so. They were doing so. And I talked about going back there again, but never went through with it. So, after the lecture, I promiced that I would neither talk about it, nor do it, and I was let go. Later on, two separate campers hit me, one about being taken away early to be changed, and the other about taking his mouthwash, and one of them destroyed my CD, that I had gotten weeks ago. I was not happy about that.

So, a tough week. Maybe next week will be better...

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Camp Week 5: Actually a really good time

This past week, was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.

In fact, except for a few things, I had a really good time this week.

We did have the deaf camper, that I was talking about. I managed to communicate with him, some, but I also did have a lot of help.

First of all, my prayers were answered: Andrea, who is a master in sign language came this week to help out. Other staff, and even some campers were able to help out as well.

So, onto the fun I had. I got to sing "Baby Shark" to one camper who always bursts out dancing it it's sung. Jess and I sang it to him in the pool. Speaking of the pool, I was massacured in it again. I went to the deep end with one girl, to escape those massacuring campers. No such luck. They got other staff, and followed me.
So I was still getting dunked, drowned, etc. Nicole later told me, I enjoyed every minute of it.

Sure, Nicole! Whatever you say.

Then, on Tuesday, I went to Moraine State Park with Aaron, Mitch and some campers. We went on a hike and a picnic. Aaron told me the geological significance of Moraine State Park. The park is the southernmost point of the Ice Age glaciers. Now I know why I've seen so many rock shapes in Morain State Park, and in Camp Buccoco, north of Moraine State Park, but not at home, or anywhere south of Moraine State Park.


Thursday we had the best damn water games ever. Mitch brought on his slip and slide, and we all went through it. Both campers and staff had a good time with that thing.
Later we went to a big dance in the Kon-o-Kwee dining hall. There was a lot of dancing, and also face-painting, and temporary tattoos, ans decorations. Stuff like that.

Another thing, some of those kid campers try to play matchmaker with us. One girl made me and Christen hold hands. Another tried to hook up me and Andrea.


Anyhow, I hope next week's as fun as this one was.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Camp Week 4: A Musical and a Crash Course in Sign Language

This week, except for a camper who got REALLY sick, was actually kind of fun.

First of all, my campers were generally good, but two of them wouldn't leave me alone.

So, here's why this week has the title is has. During the dance, which was moved to Tuesday, Jess and I were informed about two things. First, because of our love for music, we would be going on an upcoming field trip, to the Benedum Center, to see the musical "Pirates of the Penzance". Secondly, we were told that a deaf camper would be coming next week, and the camp directors chose us, to learn the necessary sign language to be able to communicate with him.

So, Jess and I spent much of the week studying intense sign language.

Like I said the week, itself was fun. But I was massacured in the pool. My two campers almost drowned me. One was pulling on me trying to drown me. The other was trying to save me, but he was only making it worse.

Oh, the joys of swimming with campers.

On Thursday, Jess, Nicole, and I took eight campers on a field trip to the Benedum center, to see the musical "The Pirates of Penzance". However, one of the campers was afraid of the high up seats. Nicole managed to get him a lower seat, while Jess and I remained with the remaining campers for Act One. In the lower seats though, that one camper really had a good time. He cheered, whisteled to the ladies onstage, and that kind of stuff.

During Intermission, an usher invited the rest of us to join Nicole in the lower seats. While we were moving, another usher got into an argument with Nicole and Jess, saying we couldn't do that. So we ended up sitting in our original seats, for Act Two.

Then we went to the Pizza Hut in Zelienople for dinner. While there, a camper spilled a drink. Nicole and I ran up for napkins to clean the mess up, nut Jess didn't lift a finger to help us. She claimed that that's the waitress's job to clean up messes here and not ours.

So we then went to Dairy Queen, for ice cream treats, and then, we went back to camp in time for a lot of rain. Oh well.

Now, I'm at home studying more sign language, I just, hope I'm ready for that deaf camper, when he comes. I also really wish Andrea would come back. She was the master of sign language, if I remember...