Gopher cakes are very bad for you!

Let's go back in time, about eight years. In around 1998, a totalus bizzarus commercial/ad hit the television scenes. It was about... Gopher Cakes!
Four kids come into a house for a snack of Gopher Cakes. These Gopher Cakes are little chocolate covered cakes. Something like a Little Debbie product or something. Anyhow, the kids devour a shit-load of them; and that's just the beginning. They build a huge wall with them, dump whipped cream on them, put them in the blender (very messy), and at the end of the commercial, they lay around, sick and fatter, as a voice-over asks: "Exercise Lately?", and the words "Get Up! Get Out!" appear on a black screen.
I remember, once when I was in 8th grade, we were having a lecture about watching too much TV. The teacher pointed out, in a pitcure of kids watching TV, that they were fat and out of shape. "Gopher Cakes" was the next thing mentioned. Proof that the commercial was remembered then.
Even today, if you've seen this commercial, I know you remember it. Today, you can see it and it's sister commercials: "Frequent Phone Hours", and "Video Boy" the AD council website:
So remember: Gopher cakes are very, very bad for you! ANd Gopher cake shakes are less than appetizing!
Well, untill next time.