Saturday, March 25, 2006

Saturday Night Live Survey


For this post, I'm conductiong a survey. You see I have a large collection of Saturday Night Live DVD's. ANd I wish to ask yinz out there...

Who is your favorite SNL cast member...

Here are a few nominees...

Eddie Murphy
Jon Lovitz
Dana Carvey
Phil Hartman
Mike Myers
Chris Rock
Chris Farley
Adam Sandler
David Spade
Will Ferrell
Chris Kattan
Tracy Morgan
Jimmy Fallon

Is it one of the above cast members, or somebody else? Comment with your vote.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

"Look, I'm really sorry!"

I'm going to be in really big trouble, real soon

Here's the sad story of what I did.

Earlier tonight, I decided, out of the clear blue, to go to my Kareoke Bar, Tramps's in West End again.

So I went...

I had a good time there. This time, I sang "Lola", "Every Little Thing She Does is Magic", and "Spill the Wine", For "Spill the WIne" a young lady there, played "The Lady" as I sang, and danced and sang with me.


Also tonight, when there was a confusion, about who was singing next. Me, or a guy named Ron. The DJ said "Whoever is singing 'Lola'" That was me. Ron's friends said I was full of shit. I said "Yeah, I am", and did a poop sign.

Go Bobby D.

Then a couple of guys sang a sexual parody of "Summer Nights", taking the sex level of the song to the extreme.


So, why am I so sorry for all of this? You might ask. Well, I made a major mistake. I didn't tell Jess Jack, I was going. And she loves coming to Tramp's. When she reads this post, my execution date is set.

(Sorry Jess, it was a last minute plan, and it seemed pointless to email you at 8:30 at night)

Well, untill next time, That is if there is a next time.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Camp Weekend: Beginning to a hopefully better Spring Break.

Last year, I ended a miserable spring break with a camp weekend.

This year, I began spring break with a weekend at camp.

So to recap...

The theme for this weekend was Mardi Gras, which was dumb, because Mardi Gras ended last Tuesday. Anyhow we did a lot of Mardi Gras arts and crafts, this weekend.

Also, we led another hike around the Discovery loop, and watched movies, the usual.

This past weekend, Zach quoted two funny things I said. The first was saying to Laura "You don't know that song?!" when I asked her to sing "Peace Like a River" with the campers. The second was when I whispered to Zach, that I was cheating, while playing Battleship with Fred, during after-hours.

Zach'll still never let me forget me saying "Well she's got some pudding on her face" when I was checking a fallen camper for injuries, back over the summer.

Sleep was not good. One camper didn't shut up overnight.

Oh well, you can't expect to sleep well here.

So, now, I'm home to hopefully have a better spring break, than last year.

I'll recap at the end of the week, if anything good happens. Stay tuned..