"Joseph" Night 1: Keeping up the morale, despite hardships

The ideal photo to place on a "Greetings from Egypt Card"
So, on with the story.
Yesterday, during rehersal, Emily Dewald (who plays Mrs. Potipher in the show) had an accident and twisted her angle. So today she was on crutches, and unable to play her part. So, today, Mrs. Potipher was played by Summer York. Lisa Moran, our choreographer also got into costume and played a wife/courtesian tonight.
Also, for opening night, I pulled a great prank. Remembering Jeopardy Mike's having a shit-load of red and baby blue balloons in the dressing room to boost his morale, I bought a dozen balloons, of those two colors, and put them into the dressing room. John then wrote "Cast of Joseph. Keep up the Morale" into an index card, and I tied it to the balloons.
I'll never forget Gary's reaction when he went into the dressing room, for the first time tonight. He walked in, then I heard him scream "OH MY GOD!". Unable to hold in the laughter, I trotted away. Later I admitted that they were mine. Gary said that, that was pure genius, and that nobody saw that coming.
Others didn't have such reactions to the balloon. Greg, I remember, just walked in, saw the balloons, and then read the card. Those, who didn't know Jeopardy Mike just thought "Balloons, that's nice."
Oh well, one had a good reaction.
Then we had a leaking problem, in the building, and water was dripping on the band. So the show was delayed a few minutes.
Finally we got started. Despite the hardships we had an excellent show with a large crowd.
After the show, we all went to the Ground Round. Paul Spradley made some announcements, and gave out some "awards." I made an announcement too. "Cannonball!"
Four more shows to go. Also, I hope Emily's ankle is better, for tomorrow's show.
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