Sunday, October 23, 2005

Camp Weekend: Of Rain, Jello Pudding Pops, and Big Feet

We had our first Camp Weekend of the year, this weekend. A relively good crowd, this weekend. Zach, Fred, and Mitch all were there.

Unfortunately all it did was rain. So we were kept indoors doing Haloween crafts for the entire weekend.

One camper had a neat photo album of her week at summer camp, of this year and earlier years. I know they were early, because I didn't recognize some of the staff in them.

Then at aroung 11:00 pm Fridan night, Jess shows up, all angry at me. It was because I had gone into Pittsburgh, and didn't call her.


One other thing I learned: It's not a good idea to talk about Jello Pudding Pops, around a women who's with child.

Raeann, is expected to have a child in January. Right now, she will eat anything. Anyhow, I came really close to having to leave and buy Jello Pudding Pops. You know, I'm not sure that they even exist right now.

Oh yeah, it is now considered to be sexy to have big feet. And, mine are...smaller than Zach's.

Oh well.

After the weekend I went to play practice, exhausted. There, all "big feet" means are lost space on the dance floor.

Oh well...

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Colonial Theatre Reunion and Renewal

Tonight, the Colonial Theatre had "the Colonial Theatre Reunion and Renewal"

For a couple of weeks, the new theatre coodinator, Barbara Burgess-LeFebvre has been directing a medley of songs from the musical "Songs for a New World" for the show. I, and a couple of other RMU students and alumni, have learned some new songs to sing for everybody.

The cast includes: Caitlin Varley, Gretchen Blumle, Lindsey Wright, Mike Mainier, Lenny Labriola, Emily Dewald, and Kyle Bradley. Another guy named Jerimiah Brown, is singing with us too.

So, tonight before the show, there was a presentation and an award to the guy who started the whole Colonial Thearte program, Thomas V. Gaydos. Others, such as to John Locke, Ken Gargaro, Barbara Burggess-Lefebre, and the deceased Alvita Martin-Friar were recognized, as well.

Then there was a video which showed the original barn theatre, burned down in 1986, and it also showed clips of recent shows, including "Save the People" from "Godspell", "Footloose" from "Footloose", "Greased Lightnin'" from "Grease", "If I Could've Been", which was from "Working", and photos from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest."

Finally the show portion of the ceremony started, and it went very well. Better then we thought, anyway. But, we all got "congradulations" for the work we did in a short amount of time.

After that, we all went to The Ground Round again. Gary Ashley, and his family were with us too, for that.

So, Joseph is coming up in about a month. Looking forward to it.

Monday, October 10, 2005

A cruise through Pittsburgh

Today, for no particular reason, I just rode the RMU shuttle into Downtown Pittsburgh.

So about that. I just walked around Downtown Pittsburgh for about 3 hours. I walked to Point State Park, where the fountain is indeed spurting pink, for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

I walked through Market Square and ran laps around the PPG place. My father used to have me do that when I was younger.

At Mellon Square, a threw a piece of bun on the floor. A large number of pigeons flew down and fought for it.


I rode the subway several times, through the Downtown area. It's free, within, Downtown Pittsburgh.

I also went into many food courts in the area, including, the PPG place, 5th Avenue place, Oxford Place, and others.

Finally, exhausted, I took the bus back to campus. And I went to play practice.