Thursday, August 18, 2005

"Flaming Idiots"

Tonight, I went to the Red Barn Theatre, near Ellwood City, to see the show "Flaming Idiots." It was interesting.

The first thing I noticed, is that I was the only college student in the audience. Most of the audience people were elderly folks.

Oh boy!

The show was funny. It was about two guys who were trying to open a restaurant, but had no idea what they were doing. John Locke played one of those two guys. one part I'll never forget, was John asking a dead body how he felt. I muttered to myself "with my hands". Then John said "With your hands. That's funny!" I clapped my hands over my mouth thinking he heard me.

After the show I saw John. He mentioned that part to me, and we laughed about it. He also introduced me to the other lead guy.

So that's the show. tomorrow is my mother's birthday. I'm going to give her the new Harry Potter book. I read it already. I won't spoil it, but I will say that it had a very tragic ending. I came real close to crying when I read it.

A Shopping Excursion

Yesterday, I went on a trip to the Mall at Robinson, with Jess, Jason, Phil and Celeste.

Now, I've been to that Mall, many times before. I've gone during the school year. But this was the first time I went with a group.

Anyhow, last night, I bought a bunch of new clothing. Some new party shirts, some pants, a sweater, and other stuff. Jess also taught me the two rules of modern fashion.

1. Don't tuck shirt in.
2. Wear pants low.

At QCHS, where I went to high school, I was taught the opposite of that. But, I'll remember what Jess said.

By the way, while at the mall yesterday, I thought I saw RMU student Emily Dewald. I tried to see if it was her, but I was still with my group and didn't wish to wander away from them.

Anyhow, today, I stopped at a thrift store in Beaver Falls, and bought a number of t-shirts, for a grand total of $20.00.


Tonight, I'm going off to see a show, starring John Locke. Stay tuned...

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Camp Week 9: The last week, and Picnic

The last week of camp came and went...

It wasn't a bad week. I did one last everything.

One last swim, one last hayride, and a lot of cleaning the place up, packing up, and putting away.

So, after all was done. We said our "Goodbye's" and I went home, at around three in the afternoon.

Today I donated blood at Central Blood Bank in Cranberry, and then I went to a picnic at Marc and Raeann's house in Darlington.

It was a fun picnic. The rest of the staff showed up as well, and we ate, drank, and BS'd. I was particulary thirsty after donating. And everybody noticed the band-aids on my arm, and asked, "What happened to you?" "I donated", I said.

So, where do we go from here. My 21st birthday is this Thursday, and Nicole and Jared's wedding is on Saturday. Sounds like I'll be busy, this week, despite camp being over.