Sunday, March 13, 2005

Camp Weekend: End to a crappy Spring Break

There really wasn't too much to talk about during this past camp weekend.

We were indoors most of the time, due to bad weather. But we did Easter arts and crafts, and watched movies. Oh yeah, we had a power outage, Saturday morning. So during that time, while we were waiting for power to return, we sang some camp songs. That was fun.

Oh yeah, we also had our Sunday Breakfast in the big Kon-o-Kwee Dining Hall, where we had all our Summer meals. They were having a pancake breakfast, and we were invited to join in. That was cool. An old memory of Summer Camp

This weekend marked the end of a lousy Spring Break for me. I spent most of it at home, with a broken furnace, and a cold house. Most colelge kids go to Aruba or something like that. But even those that don't had more fun than I had.

Oh well, better times ahead.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Death of a Director...

Today, before my business and professional Communications class, I heard that Professor Alvita Martin-Friar, tho was coordinator of the Colonial Theatre, and was directing "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" passed away. I thought nah, they're bluffing. But they weren't.

Now, I decided a while ago to not do "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" because I'm tired and need a little time off. And because I had a nightmare about in about three years ago. I was about to get the shock therapy in it. But I was still saddened by the news.

After class was over I rushed over to the theatre. Dr. Gargaro was there, and me mentioned the death to me.

So, now I wonder, Is there still going to be a show? Even though I'm not in it, i still hope to see it. Dom DeNardis will be playing Mr. McMurphy, and olf friends Gary Ashley, Greg Heid, Katie Scott, Summer York, Corey Nulton,and Jeopardy Mike, are going to be in it as well.

Oh well, as they say "The show msut go on" I hope it applies here as well.