"Working" Day 5: A little bad luck.
Act One went well. Then during intermission, Doug Beasock, came into the dressing room to visit the cast.
We forgot to not let audience people visit untill after the show.
Don't worry, there were no fire alarms this time. But we did have a curtain rip during the phone scene, with a piece draping near Ashley Austin.
Then Mike Mainier, who plays the retiree, forgot his lines, during his song. He ad libbed in his old man character: "Well, I forgot my line. Sometimes you do that when you're older. But they come back to you." Doug later blamed himself for that, but said that it was very fitting that Mike covered his ass with that comeback.
Nice again!
So, despite those slip-ups it was a good closeout to the show.
Anyhow, the cast party (I think) is next Saturday. I'm supposed to work at camp that weekend, but I'll try to slip out early, to go.