Sunday, February 20, 2005

"Working" Day 5: A little bad luck.

Today we had our second Sunday matinee. It went well except for a couple of little things.

Act One went well. Then during intermission, Doug Beasock, came into the dressing room to visit the cast.

We forgot to not let audience people visit untill after the show.

Don't worry, there were no fire alarms this time. But we did have a curtain rip during the phone scene, with a piece draping near Ashley Austin.


Then Mike Mainier, who plays the retiree, forgot his lines, during his song. He ad libbed in his old man character: "Well, I forgot my line. Sometimes you do that when you're older. But they come back to you." Doug later blamed himself for that, but said that it was very fitting that Mike covered his ass with that comeback.

Nice again!

So, despite those slip-ups it was a good closeout to the show.

Anyhow, the cast party (I think) is next Saturday. I'm supposed to work at camp that weekend, but I'll try to slip out early, to go.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

"Working" Night 4: Someone had too good a time tonight.

Tonight's show went well, but there was one part I'll never forget.

I have a Monologue as Ralph Werner, a yuppie salesman, which gets some laughs. Then, I remain onstage while Gary gives his Charlie Blossom, monologue, which is really funny. Gary and I are portraying "the next generation of workers."

Anyhow, I was standing there having finished my monologue, when Gary comes out to do his. There was this one women who got TOO good of a laugh at it tonight. She was laughing insanely, at Gary. Meanwhile Gary was still giving his monologue trying not to laugh himself. And there I was, still onstage barely keeping a straight face as well.

Anyhow, theres one more show tomorrow. I hope we don't have another fire alarm.

Friday, February 18, 2005

"Working" Night 3: No RMU students tonight.

Before the show, Lenny gave me a small basket of candy, as an apology for hurting me last night. I forgave him, saying it was my fault anyway.

As for the show, it was all Adults and Families tonight. Because of Fight Night tonight, there were no RMU students there. But the show still went well.

You know, I asked what people would think if I took on Jeopardy Mike in Fight Night. You don't know how much money people would pay to see that.

By the way, you can tell that Jeopardy Mike is not in this show, by the lack of balloons in the dressing room.

Oh well.

Two more shows to go...

Thursday, February 17, 2005

"Working" Night 2: Pre-Fight Night

Before the show, Lenny suggested taking me to a strip club. Then he said I'd get kicked out for touching the ladies. (Earlier I made moves on some cast members, when I really shouldn't have.) Anyhow, I slapped Lenny on th back for saying that, and he slammed me against the wall.

Rob's Law of College: For every action, there is an opposite, but much harder reaction.

Anyhow, the crowd was still relatively small, but we still had a good show. tomorrow is fight Night at RMU, and that will probably conflict with our crowd.

By the way, no plans of a cast party yet. We can't have it tomorrow, because of Fight Night, which means every R.A. will be on duty tomorrow night. We can't have it on Saturday night because of our Sunday matinee. So we're probably going to have it next week.

"Working" Night 1: Family and Tears

We had a relatively small crowd to see this show. But my mother came tonight to see it. She was impressed by my "Mason" solo, but said that I sait my Ralph Werner monologue too fast.

Oh well, you can't have everything.

Tonight, while Lenny sang "Father and Sons" I looked at my mother in the audience, and she looked at me. Tears formed. I was EXTREMELY touched by the song tonight, more then ever before.

I toughed through the rest of the show, until after my mother left. Then I marched into the dressing room and I cried.

Despite my sorrow, I still went to the traditional Ground Round gathering. ANd I ate and took pictures and I felt better.

Tommorrow will hopefully be better.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

"Working" Tech week.

Yes, now it's tech week, for "Working"

But this time, we didn't have a 10-hr. Sunday Practice like before.

It was only about five hrs. but we worked through dinner, unlike before. So we worked through all the songs, and the blocking. There's very little actual dancing in this show, and most of it is just girls. Like "Lovin Al", with Kyle as Lovin Al. All the girls dance around him. Then "Cleaning Women" has the women dancing. THere's also "I'm Just Movin", which some of the ladies dance. But the rest of the cast shuffle in and out as customers. The grocery store scene is one of my favorites. I come out sa two different customers. My first is a party animal, in Hawaiian shirt, and a baseball hat. My second character is a Eugene cameo scene, with the glasses and the suit jacket, that I wore in the hand-jive scene in "Grease". Caitlin ,who is ringing me up does a good job for it to, by rolling her eyes as she sees me. I give her the "Didn't I go to high school with you?" look.


So the show starts Wednesday. Hope some people come see it.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Group Observation at Beaver.

Today, our Educational Psychology teacher Mr. Stockdale, took the class to Beaver High School, to do some observations.

I got there early, and followed a schedule, given by the Beaver High principal. First I saw an American History class, and then a Biology class. Later on a saw a technology class. then I saw a Greg Heid, and Jerrell Parks, from my other class "Practicim Teaching Math with Technology" class.. I thought "Screw the schedule, I'm joining them"

So I stuck with Greg, and Jerrell for the remainder of the day. We watched that 9th grade math class, (The teacher was a little uptight though, as they played "Jeopardy" to review for a test.) Later, we watched couple of middle school Math and Science classes. I wanted to say hi to Rachael Gohean, who goes to Beaver and works with me at camp, but I never saw her. Finally it was time to go home, and I went home.

Anyhow, musical's coming up, in about a week. Stay tuned...

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Camp Weekend: Shooting and an older brother

Another Camp weekend has gone by. Not much to talk about though.

I got to meet Adrian Carnethin, Mitch's older brother, who was working with us, this weekend. Most of the campers were allright, but the one who threw his brace at me over the summer was back. "Oh boy" I thought, when I saw him.

Later on, I helped take care of this particular camper, and then he took a liking to pretending to shoot me. I played along. "Whatever makes him happy" I thought.

We did Valentine's day crafts, and I led the troops on a hike into Kon-o-Kwee and back. We colored, watched movies, and did the regular weekend activities.

Then I had to leave early, because I'm in the middle of "Working" right now. It's in a few weeks...

Stay tuned...