Wednesday, November 24, 2004

School Observations

In the past two weeks, I have done several school observations, at various schools. It's part of being an education major.

Anyhow, here's whee I've been.

Last Tuesday, I went and observed at Beaver Valley Vo-Tech. It was a computer-business class. It was interesting, I've never been to a vo-tech school before.

Two days later. I did an observation at my old high school, Quigley. I observed two of Mr. McLane's classes. He said to me "You've observed all of my classes before. Why do it now?" I relpied "Well, this time, it's from a pre-student-teacher's perspetive." So the classes were observed and went well." Then I visited Mrs. Zak and the chorus, and sang with them." They're going to do "Joseph" for their musical this year.


This past Monday, I went to Freedom Middle School, to observe classes there. I observed an 8th grade math class, and an 8th grade science class.

And Yesterday, I went to Big Knob Elementary School, and observed a Kindergarten class.


Now, those are done, I can look forward to Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Lenny's Cast Party

Today, Lenny Labriola had a cast party at his place, in Fox Chapel. I went.

We started off by watching the Steeler game. It was close, but we won 19-14. Then he had refreshments and we BS'd.

Later on, Dr. Gargaro showed up, and he had a long talk, with us, about our next musical "Hair." He even brought a DVD of it, and showed us bits and pieces of it.
I thought "C'mon Doc, this is a party, not an information meeting." But I said nothing outloud.

Later we played "Scene It" and I took pictures. Then we had karaoke. My favorite was Caitlin and Justina singing "Material Girl." then "Come On, Eileen" and other songs were done as well.

Finally I said goodbye and went home. Don't know what's coming next though...

Friday, November 19, 2004

Marc and Raeann's wedding

Today, Camp Directors Marc Grivna and Raeann Brocklebank were married.

The Ceremony took place in Beaver, Pa. I showed up and ran into Jake. He said "Hi" and walked off with his family. Then, inside the church, I saw Justin and Mitch sitting, in a pew together. I joined them. Then Christen, Jess, and Andrea arrived, and sat in front of us.

The ceremony went nicely, but seemed rather short. So, afterwards we greeted the newlyweds and left for the reception at the Holiday Inn, in Moon Twp.

I remember at "Grease" a week ago, Jess asked me if the Holiday Inn, up the road from RMU, was THE Holiday Inn. It was.

So, the reception went nicely. Aaron made a speech about Marc never having free time again. Funny.

Then we had food and dancing. They played "Footloose" and the Grease Magamix, and I danced to them.


I took some pictures too. They're on the website now.

So, I with the newlywed couple the best... I'll see them in December at the next Camp Weekend.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

"Grease" Day 5: An unforgettable matinee.

Today we had our first ever Sunday matinee, in the Colonial theater.

Oh yeah, My mother and Three fellow camp staff (Deb, Nicole and Jess) came to see it today.

So, Lenny showed up at 10 minutes 'till show time, and everybody was panicking about where he was. If he didn't show, we might have had to have Jeopardy Mike fill the part. thankfully that didn't happen.

Then I heard an announcement saying that there were disruptive childeren in the audience. I thought "Oh my god! The girls brought campers with them"

But that wasn't the case.

So Act One went well. During intermission we had some of Kyles family and friends come into the dressing room to say "Good Job" and such.

And it's bad luck to visit with audience people untill after the show.

Now I'll repeat a line from earlier posts:

"Fire alarms go off at the worst times, sometimes."

During "Beauty School Dropout" I left the door from the theatre to the green room, open, and the fog machine set the fire alarm off, part-way through the song. Then, the "oh shit's" flew, and everybody started to fly into a panic. We were saved by Crew Member Nick Seibel, who bolted down the stairs, and yanked the battery out of the fire alarm, shutting it off. Then the show picked up again.

Nice going Rob! Take a bow, genius!

Then Kyle lost the ring he was supposed to give Lindsey, in the next scene.

Finally I noticed stains on my Eugene shorts, and just wore khackis's in the last scene.

Oh well, despite the fire alarm, and other mishaps, we still had a good show. I still got greeting from mother, Deb, Nicole and Jess. Gary got to meet them as well, when he walked by.

We're doing "Hair" next semester. Stay tuned...

Saturday, November 13, 2004

"Grease" Night 4: First drive in new car.

Before I talk about the show. I'll tell you.
I finally got a new car today, to replace my totaled one.

First of all our insurance company gave us $3,200 for my "total loss" car.
So mo mother and I looked for a replacement car, and found one at Kenny Ross, north of Cranberry, for $5,500 I had to shell out $2,000 for it. We finally picked it up today,

Then at the show tonight, Doug had a shirt with "Yeah...About last night..." on it.
Thankfully, everybody was recovered from the party and was ready to perform tonight.

The show went well, and this time I had no problems with my glasses. A first.

One more show to go... Until next timew

"Grease" Night 3: Show and Party, and More glasses troubles

Tonight's show went quite well, there was a good crowd. But my glasses were still giving me trouble.

I had no real goofs until the part where Bethany, who plays Cha-Cha, puts my head in her boobs. When I pulled them out, I dropped my glasses.


Then I said my lines while trying to feel for them. Then I found them, put them on, and contunued the scene.

Oh theatre. Gotta love it.

Then we had: The D5 cast party tonight, in Greg's suite.

I'll mention some things.

1. It's no fun staying sober, while others get drunk.
2. Katie Scott is a fun drunk. But she's self-conscious about it.
3. Never ask a drunk person to take a picture of you. They don' turn out well.
4. Never take a picture of a person who's in pain. Or you'll be in pain as well.(Gary Ashley was burned by a cigarette. He beat me up when I took a picture of him screaming in pain.)

But I still enjoyed being there. But next time, I'll get drunk and stay overnight.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

"Grease" Night 2: Glasses troubles.

Tonight we had another great show. My back was better, but I still was coughing.

Oh well.

I did make a mistake tonight though. In "Shaking at the High School Hop" I ran onstage without my Eugene glasses. I faked having them, and I went to go get them during "Raining on Prom Night" so the audience wouldn't notice me coming and going.


Other than that, the show went well.

After the show, I went home to sleep. That's what I', about to do.

See ya later...

"Grease" Night 1: Opening night, with a weak back and a cough...

Tonight was opening night. But I had my points of nervousness.

First of all, Jackie Becker (One of the cheerleaders) is petrified of the giant set. Yesterday, during the hoop dance she was on the set, and she dropped her hoop. It landed on my head. In the end, of the show, they had Mike Mainier walk down with her to calm her down during the stair walk.

Secondly, my back is sorer than shit today. That's because I had to hold Courtney Spradley up for an extended period of time, for a photo shoot. In the show I hole her for two seconds at the end. Not a problem. But this was a five minute hold while posing for a photographer.

Thirdly, I'm getting over a cold. It's mostly over now, but I'm still coughing up a storm.

No pain, no gain.

The show went alright, with no real errors, in my opinion. Despite my back and coughing, I pulled through. The audience enjoyed it, and, of course, the dressing room was filled with balloons for Jeopardy Mike's morale again.

We all went to the Ground Round again. I took pictures and had some taken of myself. I'm starting a new album in my photo website. "Rob Dubs House of Love" with my female friends. I got Summer and Christine today. More coming up...

Sunday, November 07, 2004

"Grease" tech week.

Now, the tech week for "Grease" is here.

We had our 10 hr. play practice today. It was long, but fun.

Let me say a few things here, with updates on the cast.

-Ashley Tate has left the cast. Katie Scott will be playing Frenchy.

-Mike Mainier was indeed returned to be Teen Angel.

-Christine Bower will be playing Patty Symcox on Friday's show.

-Summer York had been sick for a really ling time. we called in Nina Petrucci, from PMT to fill in as Marty, but Summer is better now, and will still be playing the part of Marty. Nina however, will still be in the show as a cheerleader though.

-"Jeopardy' Mike has gotten the part of "Johnny Casino" he will be in one scene.

So, we also worked with the set. It's a big one. Slightly scary too, it you're on top of it.

Then at dinner we talket about the cast party. We can't do it Saturday night, because now we're doing a Sunday Matinee. So we're going to have iut Friday night instead.

Opening night is Wednesday night. Stay tuned...