Saturday, March 29, 2003

"Into the Woods" Night 3: Two Shows, one day

Today, we had two shows, a 2:00 matinee and our Regular 8:00 show.

The matinee want along great, with no real arrors. After the show, we all went out to dinner. I crammed seven sophomore cast members into my car, and we drove off to Pizza Hut.

While waiting, I played the crane game and won twice! That's a record. Then the pizza came, and we ate.


Before the final performance, Laura F. and I said some words. Being seniors, this was our last show, and I'll probably never do another musical again.

The show, I think was the best performance of all four shows. But I'll never forget the closing night bows. They're always crazy. evan Marcavage and Tyree Scialabba (The princes) jumped around. Loren Pollock and Dayna Mulig (Jack's mother and Rapunzel) rubbed their butts together. Gwen nearly killed Ryan with a knife. Lena ran out with Milky White the cow. And Laura came out and somebody else came out dressed as the ugly witch.


Now, I'm at home sulking. Oh well, the Mancini awards are in May. Maybe I'll be nominated.

Friday, March 28, 2003

"Into the Woods" Night 2: Family Night

Tonight's show, was better. I didn't have any of the big costume problems, I had last night, so it was a indeed better night than last night.

Except for the intense heat in the auditorium, the show is enjoyable. In Act One I get a great song and dance with Gwen Gorski.

Then in Act Two, I got another dance with Laura Fischer. Something I've been waiting for, for two years. Laura Yoerg said I owed her for that. Boyfriend Jeremy Porter said I rigged that, but I assure you I didn't.

At the end of the show, I recieved two candy bars, and some "Congraduations"s fom family and friends.

Thursday, March 27, 2003

"Into the Woods" Night 1: Costume Troubles

I had some of those tonight.

First of all, I had a rough time getting changed from Mysterious Man to Wolf. SO the orchastra had to play a little extended time untill I finally got out. But the neck strap of my Wolf hood was still undone, and I had to be vary careful to not lose the hood.

Ah! The joys of theatre!

Then, in another scene, I had to run out on stage as the Mysterious Man, but I didn't have my beard on yet. So I had to run out, and hold it to my face as I said my line.

Hopefully, I won't have these problems tomorrow! Family is coming tomorrow.

Saturday, March 22, 2003

"Into the Woods" Tech week

"You can only go into the woods halfway, because after that you're going out of the woods" -Mr. Robert McLane

It's here.

Tech week for "Into the Woods"

Today we had a long play practice at the Mt. Galitzin Auditorium. I enjoy that we're almost done with the show, but still there are some downs. For example, that auditorium is hotter than the sun! Second, with my dual role, I have a two second costume change. They did slow the scene down a little bit to give me extra time.

The one thing about today is at lunch break, a few others and myself walked to the nearby Burger King for lunch. But on the way I was nearly run over by Tyree Scialabba. I chased him the whole way down the road.

By the time I got to BK, I was all out of breath. Fortuately I ran into former
"Cinderella" cast member Tim Bryner there. He was good enough to give me a ride back to the auditorium.

Anyhow, about the show itself. "Into the Woods," narrated by Nick Bell, is about a baker (Brandon Madeja) and his wife (Lena Gail Dowdell) who are under a curse that prevents them from having any children. To undo the curse they must go into the woods to obtain four items: The cow from "Jack (Ryan Carroll) and the Beanstalk" the cape of Little Riding Hood (Gwen Gorski), the hair of Rapunzel (Dayna Mulig) and the shoe of Cinderella (Danielle Elliot). Ac One follows these famous stories going on in conjunction with the story of the Baker, hunting for the famous items. At the end of Act One everything is resolved, and everybody is happy. Act Two begins with everybody being happy, but suddenly all is not well in paradise. Strange things are happening. So the characters all return to the woods to find out what is going on. Unfortunately terrible things then start to happen. People are killed, but in the end the surviving characters vow to stick out any hard times ahead, together.

The show is this upcoming weekend. Don't miss it!

Friday, March 07, 2003

Uncommon Sense Issue 6:

The 6th issue of Uncommon Sense is out.

I didn't have much in this one. But I wrote an editorial about half the school gets sick because the first ones to catch the disease continue to come to school. And I wrote about choir events going on in the area, that involved Quigley students. There was also an article about the upcoming play, "Into the Woods", in which I will be playing both the Wolf and the Mysterious Man, because Aaron Boyt has left Quigley.

The Question of the Month:

What is your treasure under the rainbow?


Dennis Novotony: Ms. Zeger
James Getchell: A Raidon 9700 Video Graphics Card
Vanessa Gregorakis: Bob Barker
Brian Bidzilya: Skittles
Beth Zeamen: Graduation
Brian Walsh and Shane McCall: Mrs. Walley
The Mock Trial Team: National Championship

next Issue, good stuff coming up. Stay tuned...