Wednesday, February 12, 2003

Uncommon Sense Issue 5:

In the fifth issue of Uncommon Sense. I had a story about Catholic Schools week being snowed out. I also got my first editorial published in the paper. It was about the crappiness of the vending machines. I also had some pictures from the field trip to the Air National Guard.

The QOM was:

If you were a candy-maker, what would you put on your candy hearts?

Answers included:

Mrs. Jairson: Jesus Loves You
Mike Popivich: You're ugly, but I can do worse.
Rachael Wadlinger and Karlie Andino: Get your Mack On!
Zach Taromina: Holla at a Playa
Chera Pupi and Shelby Colonna: Forever and a day
Alan Zahorski: I know where you live.
Adam Anderson: George Foreman

Can't wait until the next issue.

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

A Visit to the Air National Guard

Today, Mrs. Lee, and Mrs. Yanyanin took the senior class on a field trip to the Air National Guard in Moon Twp.

First, we listened to a few speakers in an auditorium. But the one I'll never forget was the last speaker. A Lt. Col. priest rambled on to us about war and shit, but didn't listen to us when we asked questions. Mrs. Lee later said "I don't know who that was talking to you today!"

Oh boy!

Anyhow, we took a tour of the base, and saw some fuel planes, and even took a tour of one. We also got a senior picture there.

Later on, we all went to the Pointe at North Fayette to eat. Most of us went to Quaker Steak and Lube. I'll never forget the shit-load of wings that some of the kids ate, while we were there.


Oh, well, Musical's coming up in about a month. C'ya later.